For Me ~ Motivation Monday ~

Welcome to Motivation Monday!

I’m Doing This For Me.


Do it for you. Forget everyone else. Forget the weight of expectation, and all of the supposed to’s. Forget what anybody else thinks you should do, or why they think you should do it.

You are important. Its your life. Look after you, because you are worth it. Fight for your dreams and goals, because you want them to become reality. Do it for you.

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

Tape ~ Fiction Friday ~

It’s another Fiction Friday!

This week, we’re talking about a book called ‘Tape’ by Steven Camden.


A book for young people about love of all kinds, family, platonic, and romantic, as well as strong themes of loss. This story is interesting, entertaining, and great for a light read.

A story for young people, telling a tale of all different kinds of love. This book has platonic, romantic, and family love themes, as well as strong themes of loss, and grief.

Interesting, entertaining, and great for a light read, this book is perfect to sit down and get lost in when you’re feeling a little bored.

If you’ve read ‘Tape’, plan to read it, or if this post inspired you to give it a shot, do be sure to let me know of your thoughts in the comments!

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

Banana Pancake ~ Wicked Wednesday ~

It’s Wicked Wednesday again!

Banana Pancakes. They’re all fun and games until the rest of the ingredients forget to get involved.


I was a kid when this happened, maybe 9, and at primary school. Mum had packed me a lunch, as usual, and when the lunch bell had gone, I’d opened it up to find whatever food was waiting for me.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I like bananas a lot, but this one was a monstrosity. Sandwiched. Flattened. A mushy, soggy pancake made only by it’s squashed self, lonely without any flour, or milk, or egg to accompany it.

It had contaminated the rest of my meal, and burned its image into my brain. And sometimes, when I think of banana pancakes, I still think of it, instead of the wonder that is a banana pancake you have intended to make.

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

Good To You ~ Motivation Monday ~

It’s another Motivation Monday!

Don’t Just Be Good To Others, Be Good To Yourself Too.


Be your own best friend. and your greatest advocate. Believe in yourself. Be proud of yourself. Look after yourself, and treat your self ever now and then. Look after you. Be good to you.

You spend time making sure that you are nice, and kind, and a good person, and that you make others around you feel special, and important. Remember that you deserve those things too. Remember to show yourself the very same kindness and love, and consideration that you would show a friend.

Be Good To You. You deserve it.

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

The Miniaturist ~ Fiction Friday ~

Hi everyone, and welcome to Fiction Friday!

This week, we’re talking about ‘The Miniaturist’, by Jessie Burton.


Historial, and interesting, this book has a wonderful setting, in both its location, and its time period. Not what many readers will be expecting it to be, it tells a sad story, but one that is many layered, and with relevance to the time in which it takes place.

This book has been widely enjoyed since its publication, and has become a part of many a ‘must read’ list, understandably so. It is able to target a wide range of different readers, and can be appreciated by lovers of any genre.

If you’ve read ‘The Miniaturist’, plan to read it, or if this blog post inspired you to give it chance, do be sure to let me know of your thoughts in the comments!

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

Ultrasounds ~ Wicked Wednesday ~

Welcome to yet another Wicked Wednesday!

Ultrasounds. You’ve probably had one, and they’re not a big deal, but I’ve got something to say about the waiting rooms.


I have had a lot of ultrasounds in my time, in fact, I had one just last week. I’ve had them on knees, and ankles, and shoulders, and even jaws. Joints are fine, no biggie. Ive had them on my liver, which is slightly less preferable than joints in that fact that fasting is involved, but still a relatively minor issue in my life.

Kidneys though. And bladders, and ovaries, and uteruses. Anything in that general area of urine, and waste removal. Nope. Not a fan. They make you do a horrible thing. They make you hold your bladder.

First, you have to drink at least two full bottles of water, which is more than I usually drink on any given day (oops, work on that!). Then, they make you hold it. I know we’ve pumped you full of more water than you though would fit into your tiny body, but now keep it. Hang on to it. Don’t ever let it go. Dream of bathrooms, but never visit one.

Usually I cry, just by way of expelling some of the fluid within me. I ask to please be allowed to go to the bathroom, and they tell me I can go a little, if I absolutely have to, as if I have any control over the situation.

Then, when you’re done, and they let you finally go, you come back and they ask you if you’re sure your bladder is empty, as if it’s a job that going to be complete after just one trip. Honestly.

And don’t even get me started on the decor. The sea, the ocean, lakes, and rivers, I even went to one clinic that had a very large and fully functioning fish tank with mermaid stickers on the walls. Water may be calming, but it is far less so when you have been told that a large amount must be within you, and is not allowed to escape.

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

I Can And I Will ~ Motivation Monday ~

Welcome to Motivation Monday!

I can and I will.


Believe in you. Believe you can do everything you set your mind to. Believe that your dreams are not only attainable, but that you will soon be achieving them. Have faith in yourself. Known that you can do anything, that you are capable of wonderful things.

Get read, get set, and go. Shoot for the stars, aim high, and be sure of yourself. Absolutely believe with everything you have that you are going to make it. You can. You can do whatever you want to do. You can do it, and you will.

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

The Book Thief ~ Fiction Friday ~


Welcome to Fiction Friday!

This week, we’re talking about ‘The Book Thief’ by Markus Zusak.


This book is in the genre of historical fiction, telling a story set in the time of the second world war, focusing on the effects of one particular young girl, living in Munich, Germany.

With an incredibly unique kind of narrator, this book gives it’s reader a new and innovative look into life in Germany during Hitler’s reign. Handling it’s sensitive subject matter with class and tact, the story is an emotionally captivating one, with plenty of education along the way.

This story is one more than worth the read, for all, but will be particularly enjoyed by lovers of historical fiction, or those who enjoyed books such as ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’, or ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’.

If you’ve read ‘The Book Thief’, plan to read it, or if perhaps this blogpost has inspired you to give it a shot, do be sure to let me know of your thoughts in the comments!

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

Baby gate Danger ~ Wicked Wednesday ~

Hi! It’s Wicked Wednesday again!

Baby gates. They’re a hazard.


I know this, because about three weeks ago, one injured me. When I say it injured me, what I really mean is that I injured myself on it, and now refuse to take responsibility for that action, so I’m blaming it on the gate itself.

Either way, a hazard, I tell you!

I knew the gate was there. I had walked over it more than once. Yes, a few times I had come close to tripping, but then I’d remembered to watch my step, and all was fine.

I knew it was there this time too. I didn’t forget that it existed. I had every intention of stepping over it, missing it completely, a mission I was in the process of trying to complete.

I underestimated. I was distracted, by talking, as I so often find that I am. Slam. Straight into the baby gate, rather forcefully, I might add.

If you were wondering, the gate is fine, it survived the impact better than anyone could have hoped it would. No problems there. Me, on the other hand, not bad, but not in quite as pristine condition as the gate is either.

Tripping over baby gates is a cool story to tell people when they ask you broke your toe, right?

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x

You Matter ~ Motivation Monday ~

It’s another Motivation Monday!

You Matter.


You do. Even if you don’t think it, or if you don’t remember the last time someone told you did, you do. You matter. You are important. You change the world. You make it a different place, just for being in it. You change people’s lives.

You have made someone laugh, or smile. You have comforted a friend after a bad day. You have offered opinions worth knowing. You have had ideas, you have made friends, you have told jokes, and read books. You have done so many wonderful things, and there is still so much more left to come. All of it mattered, and so do you.

Keep Smiling!

~Shade x